Monday, June 20, 2011

Swollen Breasts

I've been having several symptoms:
1.Swollen breasts: which I think is hot. But ow. They sure hurt sometimes. I love that I can fill my bras with my boobs now :)                                                                                                                               
2.Thirst: My goodness, I wake up and you'd think I was living on a desert and haven't had water in days. Talk about cotton mouth.                                                                                                                 
3. Fatigue: I am feeling sleepy more often. I took my first nap during the day yesterday. I drooled on my    pillow. It was my best sleep yet.                                                                                                    
 4. Mood swings: First I am so damn in love with the idea that we are going to have a baby.
Then two days later I can't believe this is happening, feel pissed at my boyfriend, and want to blow fire at him. His response, "I'm willing to let you blow fire at me if it's coming from your heart and will be of service." Really? Where did this guy come from? Thank you Marcus, you are amazing.                        
 5. Interesting craving: Whole Organic Milk with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top.                                         
 6. The babies I see almost make me cry from joy.                                                                                   
 7. I feel like a snake that is shedding her skin.     
8.  My senses are super aroused.  This is the most blissful part of my pregnancy. Can you say "I want to have sex all the time?"  My. My. Food tastes like I've never tasted before. There is so much flavor and subtleties and the colors are delightful. Okay, this symptom can last after the baby's birth and beyond...please :)                                                                        

More to come, I'm sure :)


  1. Love you and can't wait to read more!

  2. Awwww i love you too! Glad you're joining me for the journey.
