Holy moly my.
Today I woke up nauseous, bought lemonade, and biked to Marcus' house. He made my hangry self a yummy egg burrito. Hangry=hungry+angry. I felt much kinder after eating. My nausea subsided. Marcus was happier too. :) We had cuddle time.
Then, I was off to safeway where I by chance met a fellow AA'er and we had lunch together. She's been sober 11 years. AWESOME. I ate mac n cheese, potato wedges, and boneless wings dipped in bar b que sauce. WOW. (Makes me want to vomit now, but it was satiating at the time.)
Following the fried lunch, I biked home for a 2 hour nap. Drool and all. My mom texted me to see how I was doing. Sweetie :) Then I got up to make a meal for my friend Arpita who just had a baby. She said she wanted to see me. Yes! That means that I might get to meet the little one. I cooked up some turkey sausage, basil, sauce, and spaghetti, a salad, bread, watermelon and lemonade. And YES! I met Khalil. He is perfect. His lips, eyes, hair, ears, nose, skin, legs...everything is simply perfect. Ahhhhhhh. Arpita is a fierce warrior to push out that 8 pound baby.
Then I headed to a Latino AA gathering where I was reminded to pray and meditate and to thank my higher power for all the blessings in my life, not only when life is good, but most importantly when life is hard.
Following that I met Marcus around 9:30 and we went on a hot date to Taco Bell. I know! When was the last time I hit that joint? YEARS. And it was so damn good.
By the way, I really love Marcus. God just dropped him in my life at the perfect time.
Thank you for all my blessings.
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